Monday, June 17, 2024

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Thursday, March 28, 2024

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Saturday, June 10, 2023

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Saturday, October 8, 2022

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Monday, June 27, 2022

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Friday, December 4, 2020

Scott Austin of the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones

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Friday, November 7, 2014

Follow your arrow

Democrats were on the wrong side of a smackdown in Tuesday’s election- losing the Senate, more seats in the House and a bunch of important gubernatorial races (Wisconsin, Florida, Maryland, etc.). Based on the giddy gloating from Republicans, they will overplay their hand and misread the implications for 2016. 

Democrats did not lose because of the way they have governed- they lost because of how they campaigned. Instead of trumpeting accomplishments from the last 6 years, feckless candidates tried to avoid any taint from Obama and hoped to be perceived as kinder, gentler versions of their Republican opponents. The results were disastrous for the Democratic candidates.

Democrats had the opportunity to talk about how much things have improved since the desultory years of George W. Bush. When Obama took office, banks were failing, companies were slashing jobs and behemoth companies such as GM and AIG were lurching towards bankruptcy. Home values had plummeted and the stock market had plunged.

Today the stock market is hitting all-time highs, unemployment is below 6%, Osama bin Laden is dead, millions more Americans have health insurance and the economy is growing on a consistent basis. You’d think that Democratic candidates would have rallied around their President and lauded their role in assisting him.

Instead Obama is treated like a pariah and candidates declined to be seen with him. It was the worst job of political messaging since Mission Accomplished. The Democratic Party utterly failed in conveying success and talking about what was to come. Obama played defense when he should have been on the offensive- such as when he failed to lay out an executive plan for immigration reform after Congress failed to act. 

I was disappointed to hear so few Democratic candidates articulate what they believe in. The failure to inspire voters resulted in dismal turnout, especially among the Democratic base. When Democrats talk about their values and beliefs, they win.

I believe we are better off now than we were six years ago.

I believe it is a good thing that millions more Americans now have health coverage. Medical bills are the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in this country. Preventive care can help control costs and relieve the burden on emergency rooms.

I believe Obamacare should be tweaked. It should be expanded and move closer to a Medicare for all model. More Americans should benefit from the government leveraging buying power to negotiate reduced rates. I’d challenge Republicans to explain what will happen to the millions of newly insured Americans if Obamacare were repealed.

I believe in the economic policies that have resulted in consistent economic growth, a 2/3 reduction in the deficit, stock market record highs and an unemployment rate that has dropped below 6%. Massive tax cuts for the rich and massive deficits have proven to result in economic disaster- let’s skip trying that combination again.

I believe we should overhaul the tax code. Warren Buffet should not have a lower tax rate than his secretary- and Mr. Buffet says the same thing. Targeting tax cuts for the middle class while closing loopholes for the ultra-rich will result in greater economic growth. Give an extra $1,000 to a family making $80,000 and they probably spend some, invest some, and save some. Give an extra $30,000,000 to Warren Buffet- it won’t result in different spending on his part. Consumer spending is a huge part of our economic engine. 

I believe that gay marriage should be recognized by the federal government and in all 50 states. If you don’t believe in gay marriage, don’t marry a gay person. I checked with quite a few gay people- they are all totally OK if you (yes, I mean you) don’t marry them. Let’s agree that two consenting adults can get married and we can all move on. You don’t want to end up on the George Wallace/ Bull Connor side of this human rights issue. 

I believe a woman should have the right to control her body. If she wants to utilize birth control, that doesn’t make her a slut. If she goes to college, she shouldn’t have to worry about getting raped. If she feels she needs to have an abortion - I agree with Bill Clinton when he said it should be safe, legal and rare.

I believe our country is safer for having ended the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Osama bin Laden met his rightful end after President Obama authorized a Navy Seal team to go after him. We need a thoughtful, reasoned approach to Iran, Syria and North Korea.

I believe we need to have a common-sense approach to immigration. Thirteen million illegal immigrants aren’t going to magically vanish. We should both secure our borders and provide a path to citizenship for people who are willing to earn it. 

I believe we need to do more to halt the destruction of our environment. Global warming is real and it is a threat. It will be really bad for business if we destroy the planet. It will also be pretty rotten for those of us living on the planet.

I believe we should legalize and regulate the sale of marijuana. Tobacco, alcohol and sugar are much bigger health hazards than pot. Those three have caused millions of deaths and cost trillions of dollars in health care costs.

I was disappointed that few Democratic candidates gave a full-throated statement of their beliefs. It cost us numerous races in 2014. I hope we have different types of candidates in 2016. Democrats need to follow their arrow.