Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ray's Hell Burger

Since Jon and I both already wrote about Obama's burger excursions (Jon's take), you can be sure that we'd make it out to Ray's. I had the peppercorn crusted bacon cheeseburger- I give it 4 1/2 stars and the fries were tasty as well. We'll be hitting Five Guys and I'll have a report on that one.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Weather report from DC

It is damn cold. California (even Northern California) sure does spoil you weather-wise. No wonder the President is in Hawaii. Although I'm not sure shorts is a good look for him.

The holy grail

My elusive quest to find a Prius with a McCain sticker comes to an end!

DC Trip

I was born in Northern Virginia, but this is only my second time back to the area in 10 years. I'm sure being born right next to our nation's capital has a lot to do with being a political junkie.

Aside from being our greatest President, Warren Harding had one great sense of style- I think this outfit at the Smithsonian is one he wore to a party at Hef's.

I'll have more details of the trip and political thoughts throughout the week. 2010 resolve- blog on a regular basis for 6 months. Feel free to hold me to it.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

My favorite hypocrites in the CHR debate

Topping the list has to be Glenn Beck. Here he is discussing his experience in the hospital for brain surgery (conducted via his ass).

Jon Stewart nicely captured Beck's hypocrisy here:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Glenn Beck's Operation
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

Our runner-up:
The geniuses who argue that government shouldn't be involved in health care because they screw up everything they touch.....but we shouldn't have a government option because the government plan will be so compelling that it will force out all the poor, deprived insurance companies out of business.

And finally, this guy:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

They look alike to me

The Rev. Jesse Jackson was not amused when a TV reporter called him Al Sharpton:

Gay Marriage

Gavin Newsom became the poster boy for the Prop 8 forces when they successfully passed the anti-gay marriage initiative here in California. They used this clip as part of a commercial that got a lot of media play:

Newsom was giving a campaign speech and it was easy to caricature him, but more and more conservatives are coming to the same conclusions as Gavin. The NY Observer has an interesting article about NY times conservative columnist Ross Douthat.

"He added that the conservative opposition to gay marriage is "a losing argument," and asked rhetorically if committed homosexual relationships ought to be denied the legal recognition accorded without hesitation to the fleeting enthusiasms of Britney Spears and Newt Gingrich.

After the panel, Mr. Douthat told the Observer: "If I were putting money on the future of gay marriage, I would bet on it."

He added: "The secular arguments against gay marriage, when they aren't just based on bigotry or custom, tend to be abstract in ways that don't find purchase in American political discourse. I say, ‘Institutional support for reproduction,' you say, ‘I love my boyfriend and I want to marry him.' Who wins that debate? You win that debate."

Republicans often win arguments on taxes because they successfully cast it as "Do you want to pay lower taxes?" The simple, concise argument is often most effective. In the case of gay marriage, I think there will be a continual erosion of support for preventing homosexuals from marrying. Especially since many of the arguments against gay marriage are similar to the ones against mixed race marriages (it just ain't natural). Of course, some geniuses are still trying to make the argument against mixed race marriage.

As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said: "Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Sorry, it has been been a long time. I can count on Lamar! Alexander to inspire me to write again- he's comparing President Obama with Big Dick Nixon.

Apparently, he doesn't like the fact that the White House has inconveniently pointed out that Fox News isn't really, you know, a "news" channel. Lamar! wants the White House to idly sit by while President Obama is repeatedly demonized by Fox. Not gonna happen, Lamar!.

Probably a bit rusty on posting, but hoping to get back in the swing (and maybe my distinguished co-host Jon will be enticed back to posting as well).

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ted Kennedy Speaks Out on Health-Care Reform | Newsweek Politics |

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Mark Sanford apologizes....again

I love that he just keeps going and going with the apologies. But I am disappointed that in this latest one he made no mention of his "soulmate" or their "tragic love story.

Here's the latest apology.