Showing posts with label Coach K. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coach K. Show all posts

Thursday, March 19, 2009

GOP Senators complain - right on cue

Well, that didn't take long. Just a day after Coach K's barb, GOP Senators Alexander and Cornyn jump in on the "Obama shouldn't be doing an NCAA bracket" nonsense.

Alexander continued: "But he picked North Carolina and he caused the Duke coach, our Olympic coach, Coach K, to say, respectfully, you might be spending less time on the brackets, Mr. President, and more time on the economy. I think that's what we'd like to see, with respect."...Texas Sen. John Cornyn took a much harsher tone Thursday in a floor speech, saying that Obama might want to spend less time making basketball predictions and more time filling the many job openings still at the Treasury Department.

Right, because how long does it take to do an NCAA bracket? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? It makes about as much sense as complaining that Obama shouldn't have had dessert after dinner because that's 5 minutes he could have spent doing something else. Funny how these same GOP Senators didn't seem to mind when George Bush set the all time vacation record for a President in the middle of two wars and a faltering economy.

And speaking of Coach K, nicely sums up just what it is people don't like about Duke basketball. Lots has been written on the topic, but they may have put it best...

"With point guard and assistant-coach-in-waiting Greg Paulus getting an early start on his bench-sitting career, this squad fails to fulfill the most-irksome Blue Devil trait: the cultivation of underachievers who comport themselves like overachievers."

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Coach K takes issue with Obama

Or at least with his NCAA hoops picks.

Of course that may have something to do with Obama picking UNC to win it all while having Duke losing in the Elite 8. What really got me though was this : "Somebody said that we're not in President Obama's Final Four, and as much as I respect what he's doing, really, the economy is something that he should focus on, probably more than the brackets," Krzyzewski told a reporter from the Associated Press on Wednesday."

I had been waiting for somebody to start with the "Doesn't he have more important things to do" nonsense, but I figured it would come from some Republican talking heads. As if he was locked in his room for the last 4 days, spending 18 hours a day trying to figure out his brackets, shouting down cabinet secretaries as they tried to interrupt with economic or foreign affairs news.