Showing posts with label Notre Dame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Notre Dame. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Protesting Obama at Notre Dame

President Obama will be giving the commencement speech at Notre Dame and some folks are all riled up about it. For example, the Chicago Tribune quotes this young lady:

"In many ways, the president does not have a whole lot in line with the mission of this university, especially in terms of its Catholicism," said Mary Daly, president of the campus Right to Life club. "People look to this university as a leading example of American Catholicism."

Perhaps Mary's parents can ask for a refund of her tuition. I'd be pretty upset if I'd spent 100k on my kid's education and they displayed such an intolerant, sheltered view. The whole point of college is exposure to new ideas.

I felt the same way when Bush went to schools to speak. I disagreed vehemently with his policies, but I agreed he had a right to speak and felt that the President of the United States should be treated with respect.

Thoughts? Should universities only invite non-controversial speakers for commencement? And how many of those are there? Even Bill Cosby is controversial now!