I discovered that the Dirksen Senate building has a popcorn machine- surprised they don't make a bigger deal about that. When the smell of fresh popcorn wafts through the building, I'm not sure how people get anything done.
Lots of talk about healthcare reform in the seminar sessions I've been attending. Ben Nelson in particular has been a popular topic of conversation. Nelson held up the Senate bill until Harry Reid backed the truck up and cut a deal that gave Nebraska a huge carve out- federal funding for Medicaid in perpetuity (strong chance that it would be ruled unconstitutional).
Nelson thought he'd gain political cover by this monstrosity, but it is going to boomerang on him. It would be shocking if this giveaway survived the House-Senate conference on the bill. Secondly, Nelson's popularity has plummeted in Nebraska- Huskers voters act as though they are embarrassed by Nelson's behavior. He's not up for reelection until 2012, but that's going to be a very tough seat for the Dems to keep.