Monday, February 23, 2009

America's Not Greatest Senator

This week, Senator Richard Shelby (R-Crazytown) apparently told a group of constituents that he wasn't sure if President Obama is actually a U.S. citizen or not:

“Well his father was Kenyan and they said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven’t seen any birth certificate,” Shelby said. “You have to be born in America to be president.”

The U.S. Constitution indeed requires all Presidents to be natural born citizens. But this ridiculous rumor has been thoroughly debunked throughout the 2008 campaign, with Obama's original Hawaii birth certificate even being produced and verified. However, much the way the extreme right tried to pretend Clinton wasn't a legitimate President because he "only" got 43% and 49% of the vote in two 3 way races (forgetting their own candidates got a paltry 37% and 41%), they have now latched on to this out there notion to justify their position that Obama isn't legitimate either. This raises a few questions for me:

1) Does Senator Shelby normally see Presidents' birth certificates? At what point does he usually check them out? When you win your party primary? After election night?

2) Has anybody seen his? Sure, he claims he was born in Alabama, but I've yet to personally see any proof. And rumor has it that he was actually born on the outskirts of a small Mongolian farming village. Feel free to pass that one around.

3) Wasn't that clause put into the Constitution to prevent a questionable individual from assuming the power of the Presidency and then systematically ruining the country? Didn't I just watch a former drunk and failed businessman lead us to 8 years of war, deficits, economic collapse, major cities drowning, environmental ruin, and the trampling of Constitutional rights? Wasn't he from Connecticut?

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