Saturday, June 6, 2009

More geniuses at the RNC

A few of the things that haven't stuck:

1. Obama is an iron-fisted dictator
2. Obama is a wimp
3. Obama will cause the stock market to collapse.
4. Obama will surrender to the Iraqis
5. Obama's Supreme Court pick is a man-hating racist
6. Obama has the audacity to go to New York on a Saturday night with his wife

Next on the list- rename the Democratic Party. New name, courtesy of RNC members: Democrat Socialist Party.

Economic crisis, North Korea testing nukes, GM in bankruptcy, unemployment still climbing....when faced with all of these issues, members of the RNC chose to focus their efforts on name calling. I'm sure they will be back in power in no time!

Kind of crazy when Michael Steele is the voice of reason in your party and helps put an end to this nonsense.


  1. It is nice having an intelligent President....

  2. Maybe it's working
