Sunday, January 3, 2010

Iowa versus the American Revolution

It is cool being in DC exactly two years after Barack Obama won the Iowa caucus. I've been reading David Plouffe's book about the campaign and it strikes me what long odds the campaign faced. The notion that a first term Senator named Barack Hussein Obama could beat Hillary Clinton was regarded by many as laughable. The two things that stood out to me about why Obama won the nomination:

1. The unbelievable grassroots movement that was galvanized by online tools such as and Facebook.

2. The discipline, intelligence and cohesion of the Obama campaign team. A stark contrast to the people surrounding Hillary's campaign- she was a really good candidate (especially after Iowa) but the campaign structure was a disaster and really let her down.

After checking out the Smithsonian American History Museum, I wondered which was more unlikely- Barack Obama becoming the President or a ragtag group of soldiers defeating the mighty British Empire?

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