Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The lady doth protest too much?

Sarah Palin is coming out with a book (insert own joke here) and from her quotes she seems to be just a little sensitive about her reputation, don't you think?

"Being a voracious reader, I read a lot today and have read a lot growing up. And having that journalism degree, all of that, will be a great assistance for me in writing this book,..Palin said. "I've read a variety of books, and that helps shape my opinions and my views."

Most authors don't feel the need to prove they actually read books, but then most authors never had an interview like this:

1 comment:

  1. You're not being fair Jon, possibly because you're not the reader she is. I'm sure that she is a voracious reader of newspapers, books, pamphlets, poems, labels, posters, sky writing signs and hard core right wing blogs (likely). Heck, she was a communications-journalism major and attended 4 colleges. All while reading. Don’t hate the (former) maya, hate the game.
